Bought this on eBay trying to track down a problem that turned out to be a rusty sending unit/pickup and gas tank. This is a perfectly functioning Bosch 0 280 001 111 DME.
Paid $300 on eBay. Asking $150 USD.
I also have a Bosch ICU (Ignition Control Unit) Bosch 0 227 100 008 that cross-references against several other BMWs and early Porsche 928s.
Paid $200 on eBay. Asking $100 USD
Pics attached.
633CSi DME/ECU for Sale; Bosch 0 280 001 111
Moderators: GRNSHRK, ron, bfons
Re: 633CSi DME/ECU for Sale; Bosch 0 280 001 111
I'm interested- I'll send a PM.